The Sunwall Organization is dvided between three parts. The first part if the Sunwall Labs which designs and build Sunwall technologies for use by the other two divisions. The second division is the Sunwall Protectorate, which is an offworld prison facility orbiting around Mars designed to hndle containment of inhumans prisoners without having to go through the judicial process. The third and final division would be the Sunwall Security Firm, a group of humans enhanced with cybernetics and the ability to wield the solar power of their very own Sun. They are the enforcers of the Sunwall organization, enacting policies laid out by their human investers to better protect humans from inhuman threats.
Who are these investesters? Most a group of concerned humans from religious, fincancial, social, political, and security organizations who are greatly concerned in the rise of genetic engineering, mutation, alien migration, and increased media publicity over magical, mythical and godly beings going around in spandex and capes, and doing whatever they damn well please, wether they're self-proclaimed heroes or mass murdering villains.